Four new transport helper models from Wagner score with well thought out design and many consumer-friendly extras. Just to name a few examples: size-optimised load surfaces and high-class transport equipment castors for any kind of floor surface within the indoor and outdoor areas. Furthermore, incorporated into the load surface, they have ergonomically shaped EASY grips that allow a safe and comfortable handling; one of the models is additionally equipped with an extractable load surface as well as with a foldable drawbar.
The material and processing quality is outstanding: with all varieties of the high loadable transport helpers, the load surface is made out of an 18 mm thick, FSC® certified birch Multiplex plate. Three models with sizes of 59 x 29 cm and a load bearing capacity of 200 kg up to 400 kg are equipped with agile and high loadable transport equipment castors and thus suitable for every application demand in household, office and workshop. An additional benefit: three EASY grips are useful for the fixing of lashing straps and allow the easy handling of the transport helpers from and to their point of use. The fourth, length-adjustable variety of the transport helper series is designed especially for long and bulky loads. Due to an adjustable and fixable sliding element, the load surface of the roller is adjustable to the length of the charge. It is extractable from 74 cm up to a length of 100 cm and enables the safe and comfortable transport of overlong loads with a weight of up to 200 kg. A further extra for the user is a drawbar with a soft-touch handle for easy pulling or pushing of the roller. Very practical: The drawbar can be folded into the lower side of the load surface to save space when transporting in the luggage space or in case of protruding cargo.